To view your images online, click on Gallery and follow the link to your organization's Gallery. They are uploaded with an alpha sort by last name.

To order your pictures, click on the "Ask for a Price Quote" and an email will go directly to Victoria. She will contact you upon receiving your email. You can call Victoria at 800-693-2306 ext. 6 or email

There is currently no download available from this site. The images are much larger than what can be placed on the Gallery and we will want to discuss retouching, cropping, file type and size, etc. with you before you place your final order.

Please remember that these images are images directly from the photoshoot and are not cropped or retouched. Retouching is custom work, so please be specific if you see something you would like to have altered.

The order time is approximately 4 weeks unless you need an immediate image for a publication and a rush fee can be added for that service.

Please call for special quotes on groups or custom packages. 800-693-2306 ext. 6

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